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Colour and Texture

Artist study:

Rauschenberg bed

Jim Dine

Joan Miro

Jackson pollock


  • Study one of the above artist

  • Create a presentation on your presentation page

  • Choose 5 to 6 of the artist works


  • The artist background information

  • What technique that the artist applies to the painting?

  • How the artist build the texture?

  • What is the meaning of the color?

  • What is the meaning of the painting?

  • What do you think and feel about the piece of art?

  • Do you like or not like the artwork? Why?

Colour and Texture Exercise:


1. Exercise

  • Choice one or two or three sets of complementary color (Opposite color)

  • Using acrylic, on your sketchbook, draw Five different textures.

  • You can use a brush, sponge, cloth… to create the texture

  • One texture one page, only use your right side of your sketchbook paper

  • Post the exercises on your Exercise Web page (Title color and texture exercise)

  • Due: 2 days





Theme: Emotion

Using Acrylic to design and create an Emotional image with texture


1. Design 4 Emotion images color layouts on your sketchbook 

2. Post the 4 layouts on your Acrylic Web page (title: Emotion Project Layout)

3. Approve by Mrs. Leung

What is layout means?

The layout is very important in the process of design production. It is the arrangement of the elements on a page specific placement of image, text, and style. It is a visual image that provided the viewer with an understanding of the outcome of the final product. Base on the layout, the viewer can provide feedback to the designer, and the designer can modify the design before going to the final production. 

 Please check the link below to get a better understanding of Layout.

4. Start the project

5. Finish the project and post it on your Colour/ Acrylic Web page (Name your painting as a title)

**Remember to Save and Publish



1.  Watercolour Paper  A2 size (42.0 x 59.4cm)

2. Acrylic

3. Use Mix Media (e.g. paper, button, wood....) to create the texture​

Artist Statement:

Write an Artist Statement in your sketchbook and post it on the Color/ Acrylic Web page under or beside the project. 


What is the name of your acrylic painting?

Write a few paragraphs to describe your creation:

What material?

How you create the texture?

Any special skills are using in the painting? E.g. Color, brushstroke, lighting...

How you use color to describe your emotion?

What is the idea/story you want to tell your audience?

Any special or symbolic meaning of the painting?

Due: 2 Weeks

**Organize your project and exercise page, remember to separate each project. Make it clear for your audience.  

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References of Emotion painting:

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